* TDS FORM 24 Q SOFTWARE FY 2024-25 - Q1 Dt.13.07.2024
* TDS FORM 24 Q SOFTWARE FY 2023-24 -Q4 (OLD) Dt.10.05.2024
* TDS FORM 24 Q SOFTWARE FY 2022-23 (OLD) dt.20.04.2022
for any corrections comment below
A .Before going to Java installation >>find whether your computer is 32 bit/64 bit operating system as shown below
Select the Start button Start button icon, right-click Computer, and then select Properties. Under System, see the system type.
B .Installation of Java based on 32/64 bit on your computer (JRE (Java Run-time Environment) [versions: SUN JRE: 1.6 onwards]
Java is freely downloadable from http://java.sun.com https://www.java.com/en/download/
C . Install RPU utility for every quarter with removing old one from c drive on your computer & re-install new one with below link
https://www.tin-nsdl.com/downloads/e-tds/eTDS-download regular.html
After download >>New e-TDS/TCS Return Preparation Utility Ver. for Regular & Correction Statement(s) from FY 2007-08 onwards>>> then extract ZIP folder of RPU utility on your C drive
A) Open C drive >>Locate folder TDS_RPU>>Click on it to open>> and then select &click on TDS _RPU executable jar file.
select form No : 24 Q>> tick on radio button of Regular >> click to continue>> select Financial year after select Quarter >>then you will find Form, challan, Anexure -1 (deductee details) in RPU utility (Up to Q1 to Q3) and along with these for Q4 added Annexure-2 (Salary details)
B i) Filling details of FORM : fill all values in respective fields
ii) Challan : Add rows in RPU Utility Challan as per this software shown in Challan
then Copy challan from first row last row (only yellow colour) from this excel software and paste at once in RPU Utility challan
iii) Annexure-1: Select Annexure 1 (deductee details) in RPU Utility and add rows record wise based on this excel software as shown in challan Column " V"
and copy all yellow cells from this excel Annexure -1 then paste at once on RPU UTILITY Annexure-1
iv) 24Q-Q4 -Annexure-2 : For Q4 add rows based on this excel software as shown in challan Column " W" and copy all yellow color cells from this excel Annexure -2 then paste at once on RPU UTILITY Annexure-2
C . Validating regular statement
after fill up all details in RPU utility with help of this software >> then click on Save button for future reference>>then after click on Create file>> choose second option on pop up window to give file path where .fvu file & Form 27A is to generated>>> then click on validate to create. FVU file> and convert FVU file in to ZIP >>upload it in E-filling portal with free of cost
In case, any wrong or incorrect value which is not as per data structure is entered in the statement, FVU will generate an error file. Kindly refer the error file and make necessary changes accordingly.
"Note:1. Error file will contain details as mentioned in above example. Kindly rectify the same and then revalidate your file. 2. In error file, if record type is “Batch” then correction in “Form” page, if record type is “Challan” then correction in “Challan” page, if record type is “Deductee” then correction in “Annexure I” page and if record type is “Salary
details” then correction in “Annexure II” of RPU to be done."
Preparation of correction statement:
A) Open RPU utility >>For correction, click on the Correction radio button which will pop a message, read the message and then click “OK”
>>Click to import the consolidated TDS/TCS file downloaded from TDS-CPC (TRACES) website>>
>>System will prompt message if Statement contains unmatched challans, overbooked challans and / or invalid PANs.>>
1)To correction in FORM >>To update diductor details other than TAN,select option “Other deductor details”>>change values to ensure correct.
2)Correction - Challan details: For update of challan select option “Update” for challan to be updated
3)Correction – deductee details (Annexure I): For update/ PAN update of deductee details select appropriate option
"In case only PAN of the deductee record is to be updated then select option “PAN Update”, otherwise select “Update” option to update
other details if required"
For addition of deductee record (s) click on the button “Insert Row” and provide the required no. of rows to be inserted
Feature to delete the deductee record has been discontinued. In case the user wishes to nullify a deductee records/transaction, he is required to update the amount and related fields to “0” (zero) and add new record with updated values, however, date of deduction can be nullified by pressing “Ctrl + X” button on keyboard.
4) Correction – Salary details (Annexure II for Form 24Q, Q4)
PAN can be changed/updated by selecting “PAN Update” option. For deletion of record, select “Delete” option
Note: For any update in Annexure II (Salary details) other than PAN updated, select delete option of the respective record (but record not be deleted on selection) and add new record with corrected details by adding extra rows .
Note:1. In case, any wrong or incorrect value which is not as per data structure is entered in the correction Statement, FVU will generate an error file. Kindly refer the error file and make necessary changes accordingly.
"After preparing correction statement, save the Statement for future reference>>After saving the file
click on create file to validate the Statement and to create .fvu file"
choose second option on pop up window >>Select the path where.fvu & Form 27A is to be generated>>> choose third option on pop up window >>Select consolidated file received from TRACES
After selecting the path where.fvu file & Form 27A needs to be saved, click on validate button>>> and convert FVU file in to ZIP >>upload it in E-filling portal with free of cost
After log in to E-filling portal >>keep move cursor on E-File>income tax Forms>>click on File income tax forms>>click on tds forms>>click on let's get started>>fill respective fields with data>>enter Original RRR No.* &Previous RRR No.* with taking from the FORM of Conso file that which already Downloaded from TRACES portal>>upload ZIP File>>Proceed to E-verify>>submit
In case file has any error(s), FVU will give report of error(s). Rectify the error(s) and validate the file again.
After filing of your TDS/TCS statement(s), you may check status of your statement(s) (i.e. whether accepted or rejected) at TIN Central System after 3 working days https://onlineservices.tin.egov-nsdl.com/TIN/JSP/tds/linktoUnAuthorizedInput.jsp
Specified senior citizen – The person will qualify as a ‘specified senior citizen’ if it satisfies the following conditions
Condition 1 – The senior citizen should be of the age 75 years or more during the previous year.
Condition 2 – The senior citizen should be receiving only two incomes i.e., – Pension income; and Interest income receivable from the specified bank from which he is receiving the pension income
Condition 3 – The senior citizen has furnished a required declaration to the specified bank. A specified bank means a bank as notified by the Central Government.
Once the tax is deducted by the specified bank under section 194P, the provisions of section 139 will not apply to the senior citizen
Sir if we select newtax regime in salary data it showing 75000 as default tax
ReplyDeleteIn some rows it showing 75000 more tax in tax to original tax if we select newtax regime
sir plz prepare tds q4 programme thanks sir
ReplyDeleteSir, Please prepare TDS Q4 for FY 2023-24 programme. Thank you sir
ReplyDeleteFY 2023-24 TDS Q4 తయారుచేసి పెట్టండి సర్
ReplyDeleteGood evening sir, TDS software ni Salary bills la, auto updated
ReplyDeletedevelop cheyandi sir
please prepare TDS Q4 sir
ReplyDeletesir without knowing token number of previous quarter how we can submit tds return latest is it possible plz clarify what is the way
ReplyDeletei think not possible. we can submit to tinfc
Delete* TDS FORM 24 Q SOFTWARE FY 2023-24 IS NOT downloding sir, showing errer 400. please enable to download.
Deletegross amt coming wrong
ReplyDeletewe r unable to understand "auto import ifmis" sheet. do a youtube video if possible. thanq